12c Database Administration
Enterprise Manager and Other Tools
Enterprise Manager (EM) Cloud Control home page
Enterprise Manager Express home page versus Enterprise Manager Database Control
SQL Developer with new functionalities
Basics of Multitenant Container Database (CDB)
Benefits of the multitenant architecture
Differences between the root container and pluggable database containers
Structure of the root
Structure of Pluggable Database (PDB)
CDB_xxx and DBA_xxx views
Impacts in Security, Data Guard, Oracle GoldenGate, Oracle Streams, XStream, and Scheduler
Configuring and Creating CDB and PDBs
Tools: DBCA and SQL*Plus
Configuration and creation of CDB
Exploring the Structure (CDB_xxx views and EM)
Tools used: SQL Developer, DBCA and SQL*Plus and EM Database Express
Create a new PDB from PDB$SEED
Create a PDB from a non-CDB
Clone a PDB into the same CDB or into another CDB using DB links
Plug in an unplugged PDB
Managing CDB and PDBs
Connect to CDB as administrator
Connect to a PDB using a service name
Start up a CDB
Open / Close a PDB (SQL*Plus, srvctl, EM)
Open / Close all PDBs
Shut down a CDB
Preserve or discard the PDBs open mode when the CDB restarts
Change PDB state
Managing Tablespaces, Common and Local Users, Privileges and Roles
Create permanent tablespaces in the root and PDBs
Manage common and local schemas and users in the root and PDBs
Manage system and object privileges to common and local grantees granted “commonly” or “locally”
Manage common and local roles granted “commonly” or “locally”
Managing Backup / Recovery / Flashback
Backup a whole CDB
Backup a PDB
Recover CDB from redo log files, control files, undo datafiles loss
Recover PDB from PDB datafiles loss
Flashback at CDB level
Explain the two methods of migration
Online Datafile Move and Automatic Data Optimization
Data classification in 12c : tablespace, group, object, row levels
Configure heat map
Automatic movement and compression
Compression levels and types
Policy declaration: simple declarative SQL extension
Customized automated action execution with user-defined function
Execution in scheduled maintenance windows and by MMON
Customized schedule with DBMS_ILM package
In-Database Archiving
Challenges of old data in tables and 11g solutions
In-database archiving new solutions
Use ROW ARCHIVAL clause to enable row lifecycle state for applications
Set ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY for session level visibility control
Use predicate on ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE column
Temporal Validity versus Temporal History (Transaction Time of FDA)
New clause of CREATE / ALTER TABLE to set a Temporal Validity: PERIOD FOR
New SQL temporal data type
Auditing Enhancements
Review of 11g R2 audit trail implementation
Overview of the Unified Audit Trail
Enabling the Unified Audit Trail
Creating a separate tablespace for the unified audit trail
Granting the AUDIT_ADMIN role to a user for audit trail configuration and management
Configuring the Unified Audit Trail to set a tolerance level for loss of audit records
Creating audit policies
Privileges Enhancements
Implementing Separation of Duty for Database Administration Tasks
Using Database Privilege Analysis
Overview of Database Privilege Analysis
Granting the CAPTURE_ADMIN role to enable management of privilege captures
Creating and starting/stopping privilege captures
Viewing privilege profile data
Explaining the purpose of the default ORA$DEPENDENCY profile
Oracle Data Redaction
Overview of Oracle Data Redaction
Types of Masking Policies
Administering the EXEMPT REDACTION POLICY system privilege to enable a user to view unmasked values
Managing Masking Policies
Best practices for defining policy expressions
Understanding Masking of Statements Containing Subqueries
Viewing Information About Masking Policies by Querying REDACTION_POLICIES and REDACTION_COLUMNS
General RMAN New Features and FDA Enhancements
Making Database Connections With RMAN
Using the SYSBACKUP Privilege
Using SQL, DESCRIBE Command, Duplication Operation with the NOOPEN option
Backing up and Restoring Very Large Files
Creating Multisection Backups
Transporting Data Across Platforms
Prerequisites and Limitations
Transporting Data: Processing steps
Monitoring DB Operations
Use cases
Current Tools
Define a DB operation
Monitoring: Bracketing an Operation
Monitoring the Progress of Operations
DB Operation Tuning
DB Operation Active Report
Real-Time ADDM and Compare Period Advisor
Emergency Monitoring
Real time ADDM
Use cases
Define Workload dimensions
Reported items
Root Causes
Requirements for a report
ADR and Network Enhancements
ADR file types
New File types
New File locations
New command for ADRCI
Improve performance by Compression
Setup Compression
In-Memory Column Store
In-Memory Database option goals and benefits
Row format and columnar format
New SGA component:
IMCU synchronization
Deployment and behaviors
Compression ratio
New dictionary tables and added columns
New statistics: IM %
In-Memory Caching
Setting up Full Database In-Memory Caching
Using Full Database In-Memory Caching
Explaining the two buffer replacement algorithms of Automatic Big Table Caching
Configuring Automatic Big Table Caching with PARALLEL_DEGREE_POLICY and DB_BIG_TABLE_CACHE_PERCENT_TARGET initialization parameters
Using Automatic Big Table Caching
SQL Tuning
Adaptive Execution Plans
SQL Plan Directives
Statistics Gathering Performance Improvements
Histogram Enhancements
Enhancements to Extended Statistics
Adaptive SQL Plan Management
Resource Manager and Other Performance Enhancements
Manage resources between PDBs
Manage resources within a PDB
Manage resources with CDB and PDBs plans
Manage runaway queries
Control the in-memory database repopulation resource consumption
Automated maintenance tasks
Current Architecture: Unix multiprocess / one thread, NT/Windows one process / multithread
New Architecture: Multiprocess / MultiThread
Index and Table Enhancements
Multiple indexes on the same set of columns as long as some characteristic is different
Create table with INVISIBLE columns
Support for invisible columns
Describe online redefinition supports
Explain LOCK timeout during FINISH_REDEF_TABLE
Describe the Advanced Row Compression
Using the following DDL statements in an online manner